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28th December 2016, 22:47
Hello, Elle!
I think Andy is a tad old-fashioned, so maybe that is his thinking regarding his age and a knighthood.
And I mean "old-fashioned" in the best possible way.
I do not think he would turn it down.
I hope not anyway,
Dame Trotty and Jason are in Manchester seeing "Aladdin" this evening!
I think crows are clever birds.
I was impressed by their diversionary tactics when trying to steal a trout from the ospreys during the summer.
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28th December 2016, 23:26
I used to know someone who had a pet crow he had rescued. It couldn't fly, though was quite free to go where he/she wanted. Its name was Chips. Anyone like to guess why?
11542 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th December 2016, 23:41
Yes, me.
Chips rescuer was called Rafferty?
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28th December 2016, 23:51

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29th December 2016, 10:15
Good morning, Rusty!
We have yet another beautiful day here with blue skies and sunshine - but it is very cold (-2C) and frosty!
And the pavements are slippy under foot.
Great to be out walking in the fields though!
What is your weather like?
There seem to be some very strange threads on the forum this morning?!
We are shortly going out to collect the printer from Argos....they have already sent me two texts - one last night and one this morning to remind me - business must be bad if they need to chivvy their customers!
(And I shall have a quick look in M & S!
You never know what bargains I might find......)
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29th December 2016, 10:28
That is quite witty Rosalind!

Hi everyone!
Hope you had a nice Christmas and are getting ready for New Year; I gather it is less of celebration nowadays ? Here, it has not changed and is just as important an occasion to have a feast and stay up at the very least until midnight - but more often well into the wee hours of New Years day particularly among the younger and middle age generations.
A lot of dancing goes on and the tradition in Paris on the Champs Elysees used to be to kiss a gendarme at midnight, (I have done so myself!) while all the cars toot like mad. With high protection against possible terrorist attacks, I am not sure it is still welcomed!

Minus temperatures and very hard frost today - everything still all white now, at 11.30!
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29th December 2016, 10:30
Good morning, Elle!
Not too bad a day here.
Texts seem to be the way of it nowadays.
I get them from optician and GP surgery, too.
Yes, have a look at M&S.
Our local LIDL is giving away free lumps of coal for the New Year first footing!
I am off out to see my local computer expert.
Windows 10 has given up the ghost on laptop.
So, shall I get it fixed or get a Chromebook!
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29th December 2016, 10:54
Thanks pigale! I don't think anyone else noticed. Homophone, all! It is also true.

We used to do first footing etc but now I just retire to bed with a good book long before midnight.
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29th December 2016, 15:47
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We are home again, thank goodness!
I feel quite traumatised! Every man and his dog were in Bromley.
We did a little necessary shopping but otherwise came home as quickly as possible.
I took a peek in M &S but couldn't stand the crowds.
And as for Argos....well, yes , we collected the printer........and that is all that can be said in its favour.
Argos was a shambles!
I had bought the printer online , supposedly to "save time" (I quote the shop's words.)
I am still wondering how that was achieved!
There was only one staff member on the Collection Counter.......and having preordered and pre-paid achieved absolutely nothing.
We - and everyone else - were kept waiting for ages!
Believe me , not an experience I shall be repeating!
Ok, sorry....rant over with!
How did you get on?
I wasn't sure whether your referring to your "local computer expert" meant your granddaughter?
Or whether you were taking the computer to a shop?
Any luck ?

Sorry, Ros!
Yes, I missed your mi crow soft! A good one!

Hello, Pigale!
Christmas was great! The young ones all enjoyed it!
I am trying to recover in readiness for New Year's festivities!
We are having glorious weather - cold and frosty with bright blue skies and sunshine.
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29th December 2016, 16:21
Hello, Elle,
The shops are best avoided at this time of year!
You got your printer though, and that is the main thing.
My granddaughter "computer expert" left for Paris this morning with her young man.
It was his Christmas present to her.
So, I went to the shop and was told the hard drive was faulty and a new one required, at a total cost of £90.
I said "No thank, you".
I have removed the hard drive and drove over it a couple of times and gave it several bangs with a hammer to render it useless to anyone.
I drove over the rest of the laptop, and it is in the skip.
I may replace it with something.

Rosalind, I liked "Mycrowchips"!
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