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9th November 2016, 20:43
Hello, Elle!
I would have thought that in the cab, the driver would use a "dead man's handle", or its modern equivalent, so that in the event of a heart attack, say, the handle would release/apply the brakes, and stop the tram?
Something odd has happened, with horrifying results.
A rather droll headline from the Buchan Observer.
Mr Trump owns a golf course up there.
Mind you, Elle, they have previous form for this type of thing.
When the Titanic sank, the headline was,
"Aberdeen Man Lost At Sea"
You would not think there were so many unhinged folk in the States to vote for Mr Trump!
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9th November 2016, 20:58
I wouldn't have wanted to vote for either cnadidate in the US Presidential election. Apparently Trump actually got fewer votes.

My 3 year old granddaughtet listened to her mother's explantion that Mr Trump was now America's leader. Giggles. "Mr Fart is America's leader, mummy?" As my late mother used to say, far too often, "Out of the mouths of babes ...." I expect that conversaton was repeated up and down the country.

Rusty, I don't think you can call 43 million people or however many it was, unhinged! !! :-)) i think it was like the Brexit vote, Trump managed to find a section of the populationwho felt neglected, unrepresented and uncared for. The fact that Trump will probably scrap Obamacare (not that it would have worked- premiums for a 60 year old heathy man earning over the limit for tax relief, $800 per MONTH.) didn't seem to have any effect.
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9th November 2016, 21:26
Hi, Rusty!
I think I read earlier today that there is no such override for the brakes on a tram - unlike on a train?
I could of course have that wrong.......
I shall utter no comments - lest I be banned from the forum - on the American decision as to whom they chose for President, other than to say they were somewhat between a rock and a hard place...........
altho' I personally would never have opted for Mr T!
I like the Buchan Observer's reaction to the loss of the Titanic........!
I had forgotten how in "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" the author switched about between time periods!
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9th November 2016, 22:36
Hello, Elle,
I am saying no more on the US election, too, apart from two awful candidates.
That is surprising that there is no override system on modern trams?
I mean, things can happen to drivers!
Some road accidents are caused by drivers taking ill at the wheel.
I think it may have been the Aberdeen Press and Journal who got the blame/credit for "Aberdeen Man Lost At Sea"!
Or it may be an urban myth.
Lots on the Internet about it, though.
Did you manage today's crossword?
It was used in the heats of the Championship.
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9th November 2016, 23:20
Hi, Rusty!
I could well have it wrong about the override system....I just seem to think that I read something to that effect.
I didn't get round to doing today's 15 x 15. I never found the time!
By the time the gas fitter had finished it was past midday, then I had a lot of clearing up to do.... and after that the afternoon just sped past.
I have been reading all evening - I am already about half way through Miss Brodie's Prime!
I am more influenced, though, by the film than I realised , because the image I have before me is always that of Maggie Smith!
And I picture an attractive Sandy - as I dimly recall the actress who played her, was - whereas in the book, it is always Sandy of the small "piggy" eyes!
Yes, it is a shame that you cannot join your other two granddaughters on Saturday morning to try out the new cafe (where is it?) but you will enjoy being shown around Miss ATW's new flat!
And maybe you can reschedule the cafe outing to celebrate Miss O's passing her teaching test?
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9th November 2016, 23:55
Hello, Elle!
BBC website said there is no override system on trams.
You are correct.
Yes, unfortunate timing to my invitation!
I have been buying "stuff" for the flat.
A good torch and batteries, washing machine cleaner, coffee, green tea, bottles of bleach, biscuits, etc.
Will see what else she needs on Saturday.
I think her Dad may be doing some decorating.
And I know good tradesmen, if need be.
Yes, Miss O and me will have a wee outing soon.
She has no more exams but has to do essays and it is a bit hectic for her, so I shall keep out of her way until she suggests something. She's the boss!
The cafe is in Broughty Ferry which is just slightly down river from us. The home of the lifeboat station!
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10th November 2016, 10:12
Good morning, Rusty!
A dull and somewhat miserable day here!
The dog is safely delivered home after her walk, and I am shortly going out to meet my daughter and YB.
We are doing some shopping and then having lunch.
I am looking forward to it!
I hope you have brighter weather than we do here?
No sign yet of any of the snow with which you were threatened?
I'll catch up with you later.
Have a good day!
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10th November 2016, 16:14
Good afternoon, Elle!
Fine day here, but chilly.
Our forecast snow did not arrive!
Hope you enjoyed your time with your daughter.
Crossword not too bad today!
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10th November 2016, 17:01
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Yes, thank you , I had a lovely day out with my daughter and YB!
We didn't have much success with our shopping though!
She had some boots to return that she had bought online - this was successfully accomplished but that was the end of our run of luck!
I was looking for some new winter boots - "dressy" as opposed to "dog-walking" gear! - and she was looking for a padded and waterproof winter coat, but a smart one for travelling to her office.
Neither of us found anything we liked!
I may have to visit Croydon at some stage ,when the tramline is operative again.
Lunch though was good!
We went to Zizzi's - do you have that near you?
I think it is a chain restaurant in the UK and in Ireland?
I haven't been home long.... I have had no opportunity yet to look at any crosswords.......I need coffee!
What have you been doing?
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10th November 2016, 18:11
Hello, Elle!
Ach, you had a fine day, it seems!
May be a wee while before your trams are running again?
Seems a sharp turn where the accident occurred?
Now, if we have a Zizzi's up here, I would be the last man to ask about it.
But, I have not heard it mentioned.
I have been to a few shops getting bits and odds for the new flat.
Just awaiting my son, now.
It is cold!
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