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30th October 2016, 13:59

hope it works this time
10571 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th October 2016, 15:17
Hello, Jazzgirl,
The website is very impressive.
The Library appears to be well worth a visit, indeed.
They even do guided tours.
(I just had a virtual tour, on YouTube)
There are several clips of the British Library on YouTube.
10572 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th October 2016, 15:36
hello rusty
I have not seen the youtube tour, but will have a look.
I know you mentioned you are on twitter.
Julian is there...
@julianpharrison and he manages to bring his medieval manuscripts to life in a humorous way. Have a peek when you have nothing better to do

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30th October 2016, 16:33
Spent the day up to now in Luton (I suupose there are worse places in the UK, "Come friendly bombs" and all that). I was at a Tang Soo Do (Korean martial art) grading. I thought what good training it was, and how a few of our uncoof yoofs could do with something like that. Even at 6 years old, my grandson had to sit still on a wood floor for what must have been an hour and be very polite and respectful to his betters. He also had to break a board with his foot. As far as we know he passed.
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30th October 2016, 16:37
Good afternoon, Rusty!
You obviously are having better weather than us.
It has remained dull and rather cold here.
We enjoyed our time in the park with the children and the dog , then everyone came back here for a late lunch.
They have just left for home.
I too looked up the British Library's website.... I was certainly correct in saying it was very extensive!
But it is not all that near to me.........near enough for an occasional visit, yes, but it must be ten or eleven miles as the crow not all that quick or easy to access by public transport.
It would involve mainline trains and Tubes.
I should like to see the Magna Carta though, so we might well go there sometime.
There is an interesting exhibition at the British Museum which I am intending to go and see.
It is about Sunken Cities - you might find it interesting......see the link below.......
What have you been up to this afternoon?
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30th October 2016, 17:18
Hi Rosalind,

Congratulations on your grand-son's behaviour.

I wish there still was a 'Military Service' lasting 18 months or so just to teach some youngsters respect and obedience!
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30th October 2016, 17:51
Me too, pigale. It is very difficult for a 6 year old to sit still for all that time, though I have to say the men there certainly command respect. Several young members of the class there were late, through no fault of their own (there was apparently a marathon in Luton today) but each one immediately did press ups (this is a punishment ) until the Master gave them permission to join the class. Whining about the traffic would get you nowhere.
10577 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th October 2016, 18:30
Hello, Jazzgirl,
I had a little look at Julian's tweets.
Very interesting indeed.
I read one of his blogs about the "real" Macbeth.
A lot of it was new to me.
I also liked the tweet about Durham Cathedral.
A beautiful building.
10578 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th October 2016, 18:39
Hello, Elle!
The weather would not stop a pleasant time with your family.
A pity it is not easy for you to get to the British Library.
Have a look at some of the clips on YouTube?
I will have a look at the sunken cities later.
If your boots do not turn out the way you hope, I have found the boot repairer I mentioned earlier.
LancashireSportsRepairs, Burnley.
Have a look on line?
I have been seeing what Linda Ronstadt is doing these days.
She is still appearing, but no singing, just speaking.
She has a December booking in San Francisco where she is narrating Peter and the Wolf, with the San Francisco Youth Orchestra.
I was glad to see that she is still to the fore!
10579 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th October 2016, 19:02
Rusty, some of Julian's tweets are very amusing (and often a bit saucy) although he is very serious about his work when he appears on TV and the presenters with him hardly ever allow him to say more than a few words. Did you see the dead mouse discovered in a book in Salisbury Cathedral ?
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