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29th October 2016, 13:00
ChrisE, sorry not to be more categorical in my answer; it is all a question of nuance, and is thus very difficult to explain; it all depends on a given situation.
10551 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2016, 13:43
Hello, Elle!
I had a look on Google.
Enchanted Forest is "sound and light".
It ends tomorrow.
Little birdies tell me that Miss O has put a lot of photos of the Enchanted Forest on her Face Book account.
Crossword was fairly straightforward today.
I am well off for fleeces, Elle, and granddad cardigans from M&S!
Think I could start a shop!
10552 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2016, 15:06
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I have finished both the Times Jumbo GK (very quickly) and the 15 x 15 (which took me about an hour!)
I think, regarding the latter, that our ideas of "straightforward" may differ slightly!
I only finished it by means of knowledge of vocabulary and using the crossers - I still have quite a number to parse......
(Now this is unusual, because generally speaking, I can parse as I go along.
I do not consider a crossword "completed" until it is fully parsed!)
I shall 'ponder' as the day progresses....
And light may dawn when I look at it when I come back from my walk.......
We are away out now......
10553 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2016, 15:41
Hello, Elle,
Yes, light will dawn after a break from your crossword.
There are no difficult parses, I do not think.
i agree with your view that it is not complete until fully parsed.
That aids your learning process, too.
I was out walking earlier.
10554 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2016, 16:56
Hi, Rusty!
It is still dull here, albeit quite mild, but the promised sun never showed its face.
We met some friends whilst out, coincidentally also walking their dog in the same venue and at the same time!
I have had a phone call from my helpful cobbler!
He tells me that he has managed to patch my walking boot - by sticking a piece of leather over the chewed up area - but warns me that it "isn't pretty"!
As I had already told him that I didn't care how it looked , just how it functioned, I am happy with that!
Inspiration has failed to strike!
I think I might call it a day with the crossword.........I have seven still to parse..........
10555 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2016, 17:15
Hello, Elle1
Do not fash yourself with the crossword if you have spent enough time on it.
There will be another along on Monday!
Or Sunday, as you get a Sunday paper!
That is good news about your boot.
It was the same with the accordion case.
Did not look the best, but served a good purpose.
So shall your boot!
I have looked up "son et lumiere" in Chambers, and you described it exactly.
10556 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2016, 18:09
Good evening, Rusty!
My cousin used to say that to me ........"Dinna fash yerself, lassie", he would say.
Yes, hopefully the boot will function as such - altho' the cobbler did say there were no guarantees!
I just appreciate that he was willing to try to fix it!
Fingers crossed!
I see in my TV guide that there is a programme next Friday at 10 pm on BBC 4 about Linda Ronstadt, Dolly Parton and Emmylou Harris.
I don't know whether this would interest you?
I thought I would bring it to your attention in case you fancied watching it.
10557 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2016, 20:24
Hello, Elle,
Good, you are familiar with "fash"!
There is a company whose name escapes me, who fix irrepairable boots. It is in Northern England somewhere.
Or, let the manufacturer know, they may offer a solution?
That is, of course, if your cobbler's work does not please you?
I suspect though, you may be pleasantly surprised!
And yes, well done Mr Cobbler, for having a bash at it!
I shall record the programme, Elle.
Wonder when it was made?
Linda Ronstadt does not sing anymore.
She was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease several years ago.
Her and Emmylou are great friends.
I like Dolly, too.
PS Is "irrepairable" a proper word, do you think, or "un"?
10558 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2016, 21:05
Hi, Rusty!
I have looked again at the wording for the programme about the three country music singers, but it does not mention when the programme was made.
It says it is narrated by singer KT Tunstall, telling how their singing styles evolved, and about their special friendship with each other.
It says that they united to record their 1987 album.
That is all the info I have.
I think it should be a good programme?
Elder daughter Skyped earlier , before the boys' bedtime, to say that they were home safely from holiday in Northumberland and had had a good time!
The boys looked fit and well - and over energetic!
Yes, "irrepairable" is definitely a proper word.
10559 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2016, 22:08
Hello, Elle,
I think it will be a good programme too.
I shall record it.
Yes, I would think Northumberland would be a fine place for a holiday.
Glad they had a grand time.
When are you collecting your newly cobbled boots?
You have been lucky with your tradesmen lately!
I had a new zipper sewn in my walking jacket a few years ago by a local tailor. He made a fine job of it at a sensible price.
It is my oldest walking jacket and a favourite, because it has many pockets to it.
The modern jackets seem to lack pockets, I think.
10560 of 30765  -   Report This Post