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Y's quiz 8 trevor001 6th February 2010, 15:59
» by trevor001
"WISE" quiz 3 jc 6th February 2010, 15:55
» by jc
Sat Tel 26,157 12 A 6 geoff marbella 6th February 2010, 14:47
» by mamya
Solitaire 2 ziggy 6th February 2010, 14:07
» by ziggy
Times Saturday 24454 3 mh 6th February 2010, 12:51
» by trevor
Herald Sport 2 di b 6th February 2010, 11:42
» by ajt
Guardian 24,927 - Paul 5 phil 6th February 2010, 11:41
» by sylvie
Local crossword 6 claire 6th February 2010, 11:28
» by claire
weekend australian 4 jadzia49 6th February 2010, 10:34
» by jadzia49
Cryptic 13 gull 6th February 2010, 09:12
» by gull
canberra times cryptic saturday 4 poppy 6th February 2010, 07:49
» by ajt
GB place names 10 bigfoot 6th February 2010, 03:58
» by the joker
Test my crossword? 21 john skelly 6th February 2010, 00:49
» by mamya
CRUSADER 5 AND 12 14 dawn 5th February 2010, 18:58
» by colin (swansea jack)
3 down crusader 8 dawn 5th February 2010, 18:07
» by ajt
D Mail Cryptic 13643 3 antony smithson 5th February 2010, 16:59
» by aljanon
express ditloids 4 dawn 5th February 2010, 16:21
» by dawn
anu ideas 3 dawn 5th February 2010, 16:15
» by silly boy
ST 4366 29a 2 paul 5th February 2010, 12:03
» by paul
STel 31 Jan GK 898 2 noel 5th February 2010, 10:36
» by noel
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