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Guardian Sat prize 24927 - Paul 10 numbnuts 9th February 2010, 11:47
» by jonno
help pleade 4 dawn 9th February 2010, 11:31
» by dawn
RTE Guide no 7 5 jean two 9th February 2010, 06:12
» by chrisg
Jumbo cryptic 856 2 paul 8th February 2010, 23:38
» by paul
Jumbo 815 0 paul 8th February 2010, 23:36
» by paul
Wee Stinker 3 jinty 8th February 2010, 23:31
» by ajt
rte guide crossword 7 4 rose 8th February 2010, 23:06
» by rose
Wee Stinker 2 di b 8th February 2010, 22:22
» by al mac
scotsman no 2860-stuck on 1 3 dennisjs 8th February 2010, 22:17
» by dennis
times 857 14 rob 8th February 2010, 20:53
» by biffy
DT Herculis 8.2.10 4 elaine 8th February 2010, 19:22
» by trevor
Wee Stinker 3 teenieleek 8th February 2010, 19:04
» by teenieleek
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 8th February 2010, 19:03
» by pooksahib
DT 26158 2 peterpat 8th February 2010, 18:12
» by peterpat
The Week 683 4 kenny 8th February 2010, 18:05
» by kenny
8 across daily mail cryptic 2 jthemanjack 8th February 2010, 17:53
» by jthemanjack
D Mail Cryptic 13644 1 ant 8th February 2010, 17:25
» by aljanon
Spectator 1950 28 xwordman 8th February 2010, 17:13
» by silly boy
Wee Stinker 0 di b 8th February 2010, 17:07
» by di b
Times 2 Jumbo 857 5 nisi 8th February 2010, 15:18
» by nisi
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