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everyman 3306 1 ct 7th February 2010, 18:59
» by suziem
S.T.4367 4 molly 7th February 2010, 18:37
» by molly
Times cryptic Jumbo 857, 31d 3 dick i 7th February 2010, 17:31
» by dick i
DT GK 7 simon 7th February 2010, 17:01
» by helenc
herald 12109 0 tommy 7th February 2010, 16:48
» by tommy
ST4367 1 jane 7th February 2010, 16:28
» by jan
Places in the UK 5 polly dee 7th February 2010, 16:20
» by polly dee
5 down 2 herald 12109 7th February 2010, 16:13
» by herald12109
rhyming answers 9 chuckle 7th February 2010, 15:19
» by ajt
times jumbo crossword 857 3 suew 7th February 2010, 15:16
» by suew
At wit's end 4 tonto 7th February 2010, 15:11
» by tonto
SoS Quick Crossword 4 georgeg 7th February 2010, 15:10
» by georgeg
Feb6, 17 ac Woden or metal skewer for barbecing 3 catsds 7th February 2010, 14:58
» by trevor
Birds 8 bigfoot 7th February 2010, 14:40
» by ajt
Express Skeleton 3 jimbo 7th February 2010, 14:20
» by silly boy
teleg,26,157 5acr. 3 chrissie 7th February 2010, 14:19
» by georgeg
ST4367 1 elsa 7th February 2010, 14:01
» by chrisg
ST 26,157 17ac 3 egg 7th February 2010, 13:43
» by egg
poorest quality? 4 david 7th February 2010, 12:34
» by chrisg
Times 24,454 2 paul 7th February 2010, 12:29
» by paul
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