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Ob 5 tonta 3rd February 2010, 20:06
» by tonta
Daily Mail Cryptic 13641 2 antony smithson 3rd February 2010, 18:43
» by terry
Times2 jumbo 856 24 cath 3rd February 2010, 17:04
» by louise
times jumbo 856 2 juill 3rd February 2010, 16:27
» by juill
a sticker 2 old tom 3rd February 2010, 16:15
» by old tom
things we do with food 3 marge 3rd February 2010, 12:09
» by marge
things we do with food 12 marge 3rd February 2010, 12:08
» by peter
RTE Guide no 6 4 jean two 3rd February 2010, 11:18
» by jean two
Daily Mail 2.2.10 2 pooksahib 3rd February 2010, 07:35
» by pooksahib
Indie 7267 2 sudokulover 3rd February 2010, 05:51
» by sudokulover
Local cryptic 2 pam 3rd February 2010, 01:18
» by pam
rhyming answers 5 graham g 2nd February 2010, 22:44
» by silly boy
TUES DAILY RECORD 5 millie 2nd February 2010, 22:04
» by millie
Mephisto 2579 19 bob 2nd February 2010, 20:00
» by ajt
crusader 10 dawn 2nd February 2010, 19:58
» by silly boy
13 6 dawn 2nd February 2010, 19:41
» by dawn
Sunday Express Crossword 2 wispa 2nd February 2010, 19:03
» by rosie887
cryptic clues 14 laura 2nd February 2010, 18:52
» by laura
MonS Bare Bones 2D 2 shirley 2nd February 2010, 18:41
» by mitch
£500 Prize Crossword Saturday Telegraph 30/1/10 9 marilyn 2nd February 2010, 18:19
» by geetee
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