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Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 5th February 2010, 06:56
» by pooksahib
Spectator 1950 2 sudokulover 5th February 2010, 00:46
» by sudokulover
Spectator 1950 3 sudokulover 4th February 2010, 23:01
» by sudokulover
RTE Guide C/W No;6 2 rufina stephenson 4th February 2010, 22:13
» by mamya
times2 5062 1 rob 4th February 2010, 19:41
» by rob
Crossword No 146 12d 2 brian 4th February 2010, 18:50
» by brian
Daily Mail Cryptic 13642 8 antony smithson 4th February 2010, 18:04
» by helena
Mos Codecracker 31/1/2010 1 ragged robin 4th February 2010, 17:56
» by ragged robin
ST 4366 17d & 23a 2 paul 4th February 2010, 17:56
» by paul
Daily Mail Cryptic 13642 4 antony smithson 4th February 2010, 16:31
» by helena
stuck 5 mike 4th February 2010, 15:33
» by mike
Crossword No 146 17a 7 brian 4th February 2010, 15:26
» by brian
Local Paper Cryptic 1 paul 4th February 2010, 13:49
» by jimc
cryptic mail 13,629 10 chris mc 4th February 2010, 11:38
» by chris mc
RTE Guide Crossword no 6 5 jean two 4th February 2010, 09:58
» by jean two
RTE Guide C/W No;6 Thanks for the help. RUFINA 6 rufina stephenson 4th February 2010, 05:45
» by chrisg
daily mail 13640 5 leslie 4th February 2010, 00:26
» by colin (swansea jack)
Guardian Cryptic 1 kevin 3rd February 2010, 21:42
» by kevin
Local cryptic - last clue 2 meerkat 3rd February 2010, 21:00
» by meerkat
Daily Mail 3.2.10 2 pooksahib 3rd February 2010, 20:43
» by pooksahib
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