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Cryptic xword 2 agnes 6th February 2010, 21:58
» by terry
Help Please 4 yorkie 6th February 2010, 21:55
» by yorkie
Prize Crossword 26,157 5 sandy 6th February 2010, 21:50
» by sandy
Belfast Telegraph 3 barns 6th February 2010, 21:34
» by barns
Times Book 11 #68 26a "Tolbooth" ,but why? 2 mikep 6th February 2010, 21:28
» by trevor
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 9 claire 6th February 2010, 21:20
» by colin (swansea jack)
Times Cryptic 857 3 wendy 6th February 2010, 21:11
» by jacqueline
singer/group initials 15 jilly 6th February 2010, 19:45
» by trevor
Indy 1 sudokulover 6th February 2010, 18:58
» by sudokulover
9a Liberal about to include gentleman as worker's champion 10 pat 6th February 2010, 18:25
» by pat
cryptic 10 zed 6th February 2010, 18:09
» by helena
Times Cryptic 857 2 wendy 6th February 2010, 17:14
» by ajt
Football clubs 5 bigfoot 6th February 2010, 17:08
» by bigfoot
Name the bird 4 bigfoot 6th February 2010, 17:00
» by bigfoot
DT 26,157 5 sudokulover 6th February 2010, 16:48
» by sudokulover
Scotsman no.2860 4 george g 6th February 2010, 16:43
» by georgeg
What thinkest thou? 4 colin (swansea jack) 6th February 2010, 16:41
» by colin (swansea jack)
Rhyming words 9 potto 6th February 2010, 16:40
» by trevor
RT6 10 philip 6th February 2010, 16:02
» by philip
rhyming answers 7 nibbles 6th February 2010, 16:00
» by may
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