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times 2 jumbo crossword 871 2 daisy 17th May 2010, 13:53
» by daisy
wee stinker 3 norm 17th May 2010, 12:44
» by marv
Spectator 26 ajt 17th May 2010, 12:10
» by stumped
WEE STINKER 2 bigred 17th May 2010, 11:52
» by bigred
Dingbat 4 alan 17th May 2010, 11:51
» by alan
DT 26,241 6 wrinkly 17th May 2010, 11:29
» by ajt
Ev 914 opus 24 laura 17th May 2010, 11:08
» by jon
DT Sat 26241 2d and 9a 4 dumbo 17th May 2010, 10:40
» by dumbo
Times Jumbo Cryptic 871 5 sally 17th May 2010, 10:40
» by sally
Sat Times 24538 3 sally 17th May 2010, 10:38
» by sally
sat daily record 3 minniejo 17th May 2010, 09:51
» by aa
Music (old rainbow) 5 lizzyminto 17th May 2010, 06:37
» by lizzie
Mephisto 2594 7d 4 mh 17th May 2010, 03:47
» by bathtub
rte 20. last 3 2 mamie 17th May 2010, 01:59
» by mamie
DT26,241 Last two 26ac & 29ac 3 tony 17th May 2010, 00:55
» by tony
Times Jumbo Cryptic 871 2 bella 16th May 2010, 23:03
» by bella
Whats in a name 2 alan 16th May 2010, 22:45
» by alan
daily rec x-word 5 caz 16th May 2010, 21:41
» by dizzy
Sunday tribune No 170 2 gertie 16th May 2010, 21:02
» by gertie
Sunday Times Crossword 4381 7 sallyw 16th May 2010, 20:59
» by mamya
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