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anyone talking? ive nowhere else to go 0 sam 20th May 2010, 23:43
» by sam
just a minute talk to anyone please 3 sam 20th May 2010, 23:38
» by ???
please no trouble 0 sam 20th May 2010, 23:37
» by sam
you know who i am 1 minute please 0 sam 20th May 2010, 23:33
» by sam
times cryptic 24541 7 sallyw 20th May 2010, 23:12
» by ralph
thats right im sad because of you 0 sam 20th May 2010, 23:09
» by sam
help please 3 sam 20th May 2010, 22:59
» by sarumite
RTE Guide C/W No; 21 2 rufina stephenson 20th May 2010, 22:35
» by helena
Song & singer 2 dairybox 20th May 2010, 19:24
» by stu
mount everest 1 julie 20th May 2010, 17:56
» by henry
Save the Children Quiz 2 fred 20th May 2010, 16:33
» by fred
DT26241 2 arthur 20th May 2010, 15:04
» by arthur
RTE 0 tonta 20th May 2010, 14:36
» by tonta
RTE 2 tonta 20th May 2010, 14:29
» by helena
RT 20 5 fred 451 20th May 2010, 13:45
» by fred 451
Daily Mail 3 kitty kat 20th May 2010, 13:22
» by kitty kat
British Birds Quiz 6 adelaide 20th May 2010, 10:07
» by ixion
films 5 marge 20th May 2010, 08:35
» by marge
Tues Daily Record xword 3 gran 19th May 2010, 23:21
» by gran
cryptic probs 3 studi 19th May 2010, 22:55
» by the joker
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