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Wee Stinker 2 badhairdave 18th May 2010, 21:32
» by badhairdave
MoS 1,178 'restricted, hemmed in' 4 luckyeight 18th May 2010, 19:17
» by luckyeight
General Knowledge Question 5 touts 18th May 2010, 18:04
» by jacklyn hogan
Places in Yorkshire 2 alan 18th May 2010, 17:27
» by alan
rt20 4 chris4food 18th May 2010, 16:39
» by chris4food
Chronicle crossword 9 uma 18th May 2010, 15:24
» by uma
sat rec x-word 5 caz 18th May 2010, 14:47
» by ian
wee stinker 2 jinty 18th May 2010, 14:43
» by jinty
Times Jumbo 871 Cryptic 5 ali 18th May 2010, 14:07
» by ali
Birds 11 wysiwyg 18th May 2010, 13:32
» by wysiwyg
Tues D.Record Prize Crossword 5 carolthescot 18th May 2010, 13:27
» by carolthescot
D. Mail 5 suki 18th May 2010, 12:42
» by suki
Daily Record Sunday crossword 3 tomb 18th May 2010, 12:15
» by kookaburra
wee stinker 11 dantheman 17th May 2010, 23:20
» by dantheman
MOS Prize crossword 3 pandora 17th May 2010, 22:50
» by pandora
rte guide crossword 20 5 polly 17th May 2010, 22:09
» by polly
TIMES CRYPTIC 871 1 magmac 17th May 2010, 21:08
» by ixion
i'm in charge" old rainbow quiz 0 heather39 17th May 2010, 20:48
» by heather39
Going mad on 24a 13 ed 17th May 2010, 20:47
» by terry
TIMES CRYPTIC 871 3 magmac 17th May 2010, 20:44
» by magmac
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