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Topic Replies Started by Last post
FT 13,386 1 silly boy 15th May 2010, 19:23
» by silly boy
Times cryptic 24538 2 sallyw 15th May 2010, 19:09
» by sallyw
Saturday Record 3 cathie 15th May 2010, 18:36
» by babs
Not very (4,3) 6 ann 15th May 2010, 18:31
» by ann
The Week 697 5 craig 15th May 2010, 18:29
» by toalisi
times cryptic crossword 24538 2 sallyw 15th May 2010, 18:28
» by sallyw
times cryptic crossword 24538 3 sallyw 15th May 2010, 17:59
» by sallyw
I am stuck on Times xwrd 42d, 49ac 1 baz 15th May 2010, 17:46
» by sofia
AGE quiz 8 billie 15th May 2010, 17:36
» by billie
that works 0 baz 15th May 2010, 17:27
» by baz
try another one?? 2 baz 15th May 2010, 17:24
» by terry
Sat Tel 26,241 1 ac and 3 d 13 geoff marbella 15th May 2010, 16:06
» by jimbo
DT 26241 4 alex 15th May 2010, 14:33
» by brianb
dt 26,241 3 jane 15th May 2010, 14:20
» by simon
Local paper 2 monty 15th May 2010, 14:18
» by henry
Stuck Daily Record Sat 5 ronald thomson 15th May 2010, 14:12
» by carolthescot
D. Tel. cyptic xword 3 suki 15th May 2010, 13:10
» by suki
Guardian 25010 3 dianne 15th May 2010, 12:52
» by dianne
Guardian 25011 3 mike 15th May 2010, 12:50
» by mike
Answers are body parts, functions or ailments 5 vivfrost 15th May 2010, 10:52
» by jim
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