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Weekend Australian Sunday Times 685 2 ann 22nd May 2010, 16:49
» by ann
Times cryptic 24544 3 sallyw 22nd May 2010, 15:50
» by glwadys
Telegraph Today 26247 2 des 22nd May 2010, 13:57
» by des
DT 26,247 1 ac 3 dumbo 22nd May 2010, 13:51
» by dumbo
Times cryptic 24544 4 sallyw 22nd May 2010, 13:16
» by sallyw
weekend Australian Sunday Times 685 5 chrissy 22nd May 2010, 12:44
» by davidab
the sun 6 stu 22nd May 2010, 11:58
» by jimbo
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 6 claire 22nd May 2010, 11:14
» by claire
car makes and models 4 margaret mackay 22nd May 2010, 07:45
» by escher
car makes and models 2 margaret mackay 22nd May 2010, 07:33
» by margaret mackay
stuck on two 5 ger 22nd May 2010, 07:01
» by kookaburra
Firsts 12 bigfoot 21st May 2010, 21:18
» by bigfoot
anagram solving 12 n rengaswamy 21st May 2010, 19:02
» by adam
What's in a Name? 19 wysiwyg 21st May 2010, 17:26
» by the joker
Daily Mail Friday 6 suki 21st May 2010, 17:23
» by suki
times cryptic 24543 2 s 21st May 2010, 14:22
» by ajt
The Times Crossword 2 sammy 21st May 2010, 12:44
» by sammy
please help 2 karl 21st May 2010, 06:06
» by chrisg
???? you there? 3 sam 21st May 2010, 00:54
» by mamya
ok you know me but please a chat 0 sam 20th May 2010, 23:45
» by sam
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