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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Animals/mammals/amphibians/reptiles/sea creatures/ birds 30 daniel 19th May 2010, 22:53
» by terry
BLUE HORIZONS 3 philip 19th May 2010, 21:56
» by philip
pick me up crossword 3 sheila 19th May 2010, 21:09
» by jj
Times cryptic 24524 3 sallyw 19th May 2010, 20:47
» by sallyw
RADIO TIMES 21 17 thicky 19th May 2010, 19:08
» by caravaggio
times jumbo 871 cryptic 10 tigerinthezoo 19th May 2010, 18:49
» by tigerinthezoo
Through the garden gate 13 billie 19th May 2010, 18:07
» by henry
please help 6 food and wine no. 24 19th May 2010, 16:25
» by food and wine no. 24
Times cryptic 8 val 19th May 2010, 15:40
» by henry
Daily Mail 5 polly 19th May 2010, 15:18
» by kitty kat
Daily Mail 14 kittykat 19th May 2010, 14:59
» by kitty kat 13 ixion 19th May 2010, 14:38
» by bullfrog
Irish crossword 11 jim 19th May 2010, 13:11
» by jim
Tues Daily record 3 mattie2 19th May 2010, 12:21
» by mattie2
Yours crossword 3 joe 90 19th May 2010, 11:06
» by ixion
Animal quiz 4 barry 18th May 2010, 23:21
» by terry
871 cryptic 5 francis 18th May 2010, 22:33
» by francis
genius 83 96 dizoz 18th May 2010, 22:09
» by ajt
Daily Mail 5 megan 18th May 2010, 21:57
» by megan
times cryptic 871 13 down 9 goldie 18th May 2010, 21:37
» by terry
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