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tls 833 2 rony 31st May 2010, 21:49
» by rony
Confused 22 cheryl 31st May 2010, 21:33
» by loobyloo
huddersfield local assistance appreciated 6 kath 31st May 2010, 21:30
» by frannie
Sat times 24.550 5 april 31st May 2010, 21:09
» by april
huddersfield cryptic- any ideas? 2 kath 31st May 2010, 21:02
» by frannie
local paper cryptic 4 naomi 31st May 2010, 20:45
» by naomi
Cryptic help 4 naomi 31st May 2010, 18:55
» by frannie
times jumbo 873 6 louise 31st May 2010, 18:53
» by louise
examiner cryptic- any ideas please 6 karen 31st May 2010, 18:44
» by karen
crossword 23 4 sammi 31st May 2010, 18:39
» by sammi
baffler 2 old tom 31st May 2010, 18:35
» by old tom
cryptic clue 2 naomi 31st May 2010, 18:23
» by ronnie
Sunday Times 4383 3 francis 31st May 2010, 18:01
» by francis
Another local paper cryptic 4 karen 31st May 2010, 17:56
» by karen
Local Paper cryptic 2 karen 31st May 2010, 17:51
» by ixion
RTE guide 3 wondering 31st May 2010, 17:46
» by tonta
Wee Stinker 3 irene 31st May 2010, 16:58
» by ajt
Times 2 873 4 watto 31st May 2010, 16:47
» by frannie
Baffler 2 old tom 31st May 2010, 16:42
» by old tom
jumbo no 873 4 vicky 31st May 2010, 16:28
» by man city rob
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