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From my local paper 4 pooksahib 5th June 2010, 15:42
» by ajt
help needed please 2 lolly 5th June 2010, 15:24
» by lolly
the sun 2 stuart 5th June 2010, 15:00
» by stuart
Times- last one 2 stellaselectxi 5th June 2010, 14:35
» by stellaselectxi
Times cryptic 874 4 kazza 5th June 2010, 14:22
» by kazza
Herald GK last clue 2 jaybee 5th June 2010, 13:47
» by dave
D.T. 26,259 5D.6 LETTERS 2 chrissie 5th June 2010, 13:33
» by chrissie
pick me up mag 2 lolly 5th June 2010, 13:14
» by lolly
Telegraph £500 4 suki 5th June 2010, 13:13
» by suki
Need help with some Maths puzzles. 27 madge 5th June 2010, 12:48
» by rob
herald gk crossword sat 5th 2 billb 5th June 2010, 11:47
» by billb
sun crossword 3 mike 5th June 2010, 11:28
» by mike
Times 24550 2 egg 5th June 2010, 10:50
» by silly boy
Indy 7375 6 mampara 5th June 2010, 10:07
» by k
canberra times cryptic (gemini 5547) 4 poppy 5th June 2010, 06:18
» by trevor
Times crossword 24554 2 brian 5th June 2010, 00:22
» by brian
The Independent 2 val 4th June 2010, 21:18
» by k
Times Jumbo 873 30th May 14 elizabeth 4th June 2010, 18:56
» by moldoll
Daily Mail 2 megan 4th June 2010, 18:50
» by megan
Times 24555 1 dick i 4th June 2010, 17:38
» by k
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