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The Week 700 2 ruth 6th June 2010, 16:04
» by ruth
SAT DAILY RECORD 1 elaine 6th June 2010, 15:34
» by terry
Sunday Times 4384 5 susan 6th June 2010, 15:34
» by leslie
DT 26,259 22dn Help 3 tony 6th June 2010, 15:23
» by tony
help 8 patrick 6th June 2010, 15:02
» by ajt
Chronicle 3 tigger 6th June 2010, 15:00
» by tigger
times jumbo 25ac 3 elinor 6th June 2010, 14:58
» by elinor
Sun Times 4384 3 paul 6th June 2010, 14:58
» by paul
Times Jumbo cryptic 874 3 6th June 2010, 14:57
» by stellaselect
crossword help!!! 5 anneb 6th June 2010, 14:54
» by anneb
Terrible / comedy crossword clues 0 motty 6th June 2010, 14:34
» by motty
QuizQuest 1 ziggy 6th June 2010, 14:28
» by ajt
times 2 no 874 2 dippy 6th June 2010, 14:01
» by ajt
crossword help 4 margaret 6th June 2010, 13:31
» by margaret
apparel quiz 5 terry 6th June 2010, 13:22
» by terry
Sunday Times 4384 0 susan 6th June 2010, 12:59
» by susan
times 2 874 5 eileen 6th June 2010, 12:45
» by meerseadoc
guardian 25029 9 tyrell 6th June 2010, 11:53
» by silly boy
MOS Bare Bones Crossword solution 1 mitch law 6th June 2010, 10:53
» by motty
TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 873 3 iamkloot76 6th June 2010, 09:43
» by iamkloot76
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