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Times 3 val 1st June 2010, 21:24
» by kitty
number 13 down - orange brown colour? 4 linda 1st June 2010, 21:04
» by aa
tls 833 2 rony 1st June 2010, 20:42
» by rony
times cryptic 24552 3 sallyw 1st June 2010, 18:56
» by sallyw
Big Tues crossword - Daily Record 3 linda 1st June 2010, 18:17
» by k
daily record big one 2 pat burton 1st June 2010, 18:15
» by pat burton
Daily mail 5 megan 1st June 2010, 18:12
» by k
Times jumbo 873 13 down 1 viva voce 1st June 2010, 17:56
» by jimbo
Daily Mail 6 megan 1st June 2010, 17:34
» by k
Tues Daily record driving me mad 6 mattie2 1st June 2010, 16:44
» by carolthescot
Times jumbo 873 13 down 2 viva voce 1st June 2010, 16:39
» by kitty
rte 23 6 mamie 1st June 2010, 16:28
» by kitty
Tues Daily Record -'The Big One' X-Word 3 carolthescot 1st June 2010, 15:49
» by mamya
Help 4 linda 1st June 2010, 15:35
» by linda
times jumbo 873 3 shaun 1st June 2010, 15:31
» by shaun
honey? 3 times jumbo 873 1st June 2010, 15:29
» by times jumbo 873
RTE Guide 22 5 beegee 1st June 2010, 15:00
» by jimbo
Help!!! 8 cheryl 1st June 2010, 14:32
» by george ii & a half
times jumbo 873 1 juill 1st June 2010, 13:41
» by chris
D. Mail 5 suki 1st June 2010, 13:40
» by suki
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