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Saturday Times 24,556 2 kim 7th June 2010, 18:05
» by kim
wee stinker 10 bigred 7th June 2010, 17:52
» by ixion
wee stinker 2 gasman 7th June 2010, 17:38
» by big dave
F.T. Crossword 1 silly boy 7th June 2010, 17:29
» by ajt
Wee stinker 4 tam 7th June 2010, 16:55
» by douglas
Homophones 2 bruno 7th June 2010, 16:29
» by bruno
Radio Times Prize Crossword No. 23 34 caravaggio 7th June 2010, 15:53
» by caravaggio
times cryptic 24557 2 sallyw 7th June 2010, 15:31
» by sallyw
sAT dAILY rEC.5TH jUNE 1 anna 7th June 2010, 15:28
» by mamya
times 24556 1 chloe 7th June 2010, 15:07
» by battyaunt
wee stinker 1 norm 7th June 2010, 14:54
» by ajt
daily record saturday 2 sarah 7th June 2010, 14:40
» by sarah
Cryptic weekly xword 5 maranna 7th June 2010, 14:08
» by suram
D. Mail 6 jimbo 7th June 2010, 13:45
» by jimbo
Belfast Telegraph Saturday 3 barns 7th June 2010, 13:36
» by mamya
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 4 pooksahib 7th June 2010, 13:22
» by suki
EV 918 last one left! 14 anniec 7th June 2010, 13:19
» by k
sunday times 4384 7 kelly 7th June 2010, 13:14
» by the joker
Sunday Times 4384 5 mimi 7th June 2010, 13:05
» by mimi
sat times 24.556 1 roger 7th June 2010, 10:53
» by k
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