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Wee Stinker 3 alex 7th June 2010, 10:34
» by alex
Sunday Times 4 gandalph 7th June 2010, 10:28
» by gandalph
SoS Quick Crossword 4 georgeg 7th June 2010, 09:01
» by georgeg
Sunday Times 2 nic 7th June 2010, 03:17
» by frank
. 2 scott 7th June 2010, 01:17
» by scott
st 4384 7 sara 6th June 2010, 23:14
» by terry
Mephisto 4 margaret 6th June 2010, 22:42
» by margaretm
times874 2 rosie 6th June 2010, 22:06
» by rosie
Times 2 No874 1 watto 6th June 2010, 22:03
» by jolene
Sir Lancelot Mail on Sunday 4 suki 6th June 2010, 21:53
» by kemlo
Last one! 2 elaine 6th June 2010, 20:59
» by patrick
Sunday Mail Seven Days 7 scott 6th June 2010, 20:57
» by helena
times 2 Jumbo 874 1 ibbet 6th June 2010, 20:33
» by dizzy
Times 2 Jumbo 874 3 dumblix 6th June 2010, 19:36
» by dumblix
Guardian 25029 17 karen 6th June 2010, 19:31
» by ajt
errors in ST4384 (cryptic) 4 mikey 6th June 2010, 19:08
» by terry
DT 26,259 15d 6 dumbo 6th June 2010, 18:44
» by dumbo
Sunday Times 4384 3 francis 6th June 2010, 17:11
» by francis
Sat. Daily Record 1 cathie 6th June 2010, 16:49
» by ajt
T2 Jumbo 874 4 merseadoc 6th June 2010, 16:40
» by meseadoc
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