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help please 3 lesley 6th June 2010, 09:37
» by lesley
Times 874 3 sarah 6th June 2010, 09:17
» by sarah
Times 874 2 dan 6th June 2010, 08:26
» by dan
Last one 3 pam 6th June 2010, 08:22
» by pam
Sunday Express Skeleton - Again !! 1 alan 6th June 2010, 08:21
» by big dave
Sat Daily Record 6 anne 6th June 2010, 03:05
» by the joker
Sat Daily Record 2 gran 6th June 2010, 00:55
» by gran
daily record saturday 3 babs 5th June 2010, 23:27
» by babs
Times2 Jumbo 874 8 mhairi 5th June 2010, 22:01
» by elver
Saturday Telegraph £500 2 fisherman 5th June 2010, 21:16
» by margaret
Times 2 Jumbo 874 2 gillians 5th June 2010, 21:16
» by gillians
Thankyou,re Times 2 Jumbo 874 2 helena @ mhairi 5th June 2010, 19:54
» by weird
Swansea Post Crossword 4 colin (swansea jack) 5th June 2010, 18:46
» by colin (swansea jack)
Times Jumbo Cryptic 874 6 dandelion 5th June 2010, 17:56
» by frannie
times cryptic 24556 5 sallyw 5th June 2010, 17:27
» by margaret s
Times 24,566 3 dandelion 5th June 2010, 17:14
» by dandelion
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 14 claire 5th June 2010, 17:13
» by claire
DT26259 2 dorothyb 5th June 2010, 16:44
» by dorothyb
Guardian cryptic 24 ajt 5th June 2010, 16:04
» by ron
Last 3 DT 500 Prize Xword help please 7 christopher 5th June 2010, 15:56
» by christopher
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