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telegraph 26265 4 kim 12th June 2010, 22:50
» by kim
From my local paper 15 pooksahib 12th June 2010, 22:47
» by jimc
Times Cryptic 875 1 francis 12th June 2010, 22:46
» by kemlo
local rag 1 zorro 12th June 2010, 22:45
» by john
transport 6 chuckle 12th June 2010, 20:34
» by mamya
TV TRAVEL PROGRAMMES 4 dairybox 12th June 2010, 20:31
» by terry
Geographical features 6 dairybox 12th June 2010, 20:05
» by dairybox
cows? 4 rony 12th June 2010, 19:19
» by rony
SATURDAY DAILY RECORD 9 babs 12th June 2010, 19:13
» by babs
Grauniad (Paul) 3 carrots 12th June 2010, 18:56
» by carrots
FT 13,410 set by FALCON 1 ron 12th June 2010, 18:45
» by carrots
Sat Times 24562 3 anne 12th June 2010, 18:42
» by terry
The Week 701 1 tony 12th June 2010, 18:25
» by jimc
Belfast Telegraph 7 barns 12th June 2010, 18:14
» by sammy
Times Jumbo 875 cryptic clues 3 sallyw 12th June 2010, 18:09
» by sallyw
radio times crossword no 24 6 chris4food 12th June 2010, 17:58
» by chris4food
Local cryptic crossword 5 agnes 12th June 2010, 17:54
» by terry
Guardian 25,035 6 karen 12th June 2010, 17:46
» by karen
times2 jumbo 875 1 patsyabfab 12th June 2010, 17:44
» by mamya
local rag 3 zorro 12th June 2010, 17:41
» by zorro
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