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DR sat 14th 1 gran 16th May 2011, 18:09
» by teafairy
seven days sunday mail 1 redford 16th May 2011, 17:52
» by rl
Times Jumbo 925 3 vivian 16th May 2011, 17:33
» by vivian
Telegraph 2 tommyt 16th May 2011, 16:59
» by finn
Times. 4433. 7 ron 16th May 2011, 16:57
» by rl
i79 10A 1 crossword_fiend 16th May 2011, 16:54
» by jill
everyman 3372 18d 3 ljr 16th May 2011, 16:41
» by ljr
Fishy Quiz 5 ernie 16th May 2011, 16:18
» by ernie
times 2 925 1 eileen 16th May 2011, 15:50
» by jaybee
cryptic crisis 14 elaine 16th May 2011, 15:36
» by jill
DM 13d 1 dudley 16th May 2011, 15:34
» by aljanon
Wee Stinker 13 dunderheid 16th May 2011, 15:30
» by the joker
Radio Times #20 25 mandala 16th May 2011, 15:13
» by mondrian
S.Times 4433 2 baldy 16th May 2011, 15:01
» by baldy
DM MON 2 pip 16th May 2011, 14:42
» by pip
Wee Stinker 16/05/11 3 valerie 16th May 2011, 13:44
» by valerie
Sunday Post 3 killieboy 16th May 2011, 13:27
» by the joker
weestinker 4 kendo 16th May 2011, 13:01
» by sallyw
wee stinker 4 big red 16th May 2011, 12:58
» by big red
weestinker 1 kendo 16th May 2011, 12:41
» by alexw
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