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i 80 5A 2 crossword_fiend 15th May 2011, 16:31
» by crossword_fiend
sunday bus post 1 maria 15th May 2011, 16:29
» by sudokulover
sevendays crossword 3 lorna 15th May 2011, 16:21
» by lorna
sunday mail crossword 1 jas 15th May 2011, 16:19
» by jill
Everyman 3 dee 15th May 2011, 16:15
» by dee
Mephisto 2646 8 hallgreener 15th May 2011, 16:13
» by sudokulover
DT 26,552 28A 3 bob 15th May 2011, 16:11
» by bob
cryptic 925 3 susie 15th May 2011, 16:05
» by susie
sunday business post 1 angie 15th May 2011, 16:00
» by chips
Sun. Tel. GK 4 jimbo 15th May 2011, 15:58
» by jimbo
sunday busines post zword 2 eliza 15th May 2011, 15:52
» by eliza
ST4433 6 paul 15th May 2011, 15:47
» by tgi paul
times 2 jumbo 925 2 ann 15th May 2011, 15:38
» by sudokulover
times cryptic 925 5 susie 15th May 2011, 15:37
» by susie
mos xcrossword 1230 8across 5 megan met 15th May 2011, 15:36
» by megan
sevendays crossword 6 eilidhbeth 15th May 2011, 15:33
» by suki
sevendays xword ,sunday mail 3 beth 15th May 2011, 15:33
» by beth
Sat Times Cryptic Jumbo 925, 4 down 2 evac 15th May 2011, 15:31
» by evac
SoS Crossword1184 2 georgeg 15th May 2011, 15:27
» by georgeg
Sat Times Cryptic Jumbo 925 2 evac 15th May 2011, 15:23
» by evac
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