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Impostor or Imposter 6 qwerty55 18th May 2011, 13:21
» by qwerty55
DM 29a 8 dudley 18th May 2011, 13:18
» by emf
Fireside quiz 12 granny 18th May 2011, 13:01
» by the joker
DM Giant 2 dw 18th May 2011, 12:59
» by dw
Azed 2033 2 tommyt 18th May 2011, 12:41
» by tommyt
Swansea Jack 9 coline 18th May 2011, 11:22
» by coline
cryptic prob (what else) 7 lorna 18th May 2011, 10:13
» by lorna
YP CRYPTIC 1 paul 18th May 2011, 08:14
» by chrisg
Last 3 - Stuck 5 bill 18th May 2011, 00:19
» by def
tuesday daily record 6 redford 17th May 2011, 23:16
» by beth
dr tuesday 6 beth 17th May 2011, 23:09
» by beth
RT21 15 pjc 17th May 2011, 22:34
» by pastille
One Clue Left 2 mark 17th May 2011, 22:32
» by mark
dr big one xword today. 5 beth 17th May 2011, 22:32
» by babs
Swansea Jack 0 coline 17th May 2011, 22:05
» by coline
herald 2 loraine 17th May 2011, 22:02
» by loraine
DR Tues crossword 3 aa 17th May 2011, 21:59
» by aa
manufacturing related 12 abcx2 17th May 2011, 21:57
» by pastille
daily record big one 2 beau 17th May 2011, 21:53
» by ixion
The Week 748 4 mnm 17th May 2011, 21:22
» by mnm
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