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Oenophile 2 steven k 16th May 2011, 22:35
» by steven k
Flower and Plant Quiz 7 yorkgirl 16th May 2011, 22:14
» by jill
Local paper cryptic 4 smb 16th May 2011, 22:13
» by banana
Local paper cryptic 0 smb 16th May 2011, 22:12
» by smb
Bread Roll 2 jennifer 16th May 2011, 21:40
» by francis
ST4433 14 johng 16th May 2011, 21:30
» by johng
tls 878 29 across 2 rony 16th May 2011, 21:04
» by rony
Local paper cryptic 4 smb 16th May 2011, 20:55
» by smb
Times Jumbo 925 cryptic 3 granie 16th May 2011, 20:19
» by granie
AZED 2033 13 jeannie 16th May 2011, 20:19
» by sudokulover
cryptic help please 3 cana-da 16th May 2011, 19:57
» by chris
private eye 443 4 sallyw 16th May 2011, 19:56
» by jill
Number Hunt 9 puzzled 16th May 2011, 19:37
» by puzzled
help again please 5 suz 16th May 2011, 19:31
» by suz
vehicles 6 beano 16th May 2011, 19:30
» by bj
Times2clues 16/5/2011 1 mozza 16th May 2011, 19:30
» by sallyw
Sat DR 15th May 9 joygeo 16th May 2011, 19:22
» by philtosh
help for cryptic 1 suz 16th May 2011, 19:20
» by .
cryptic help please 2 cana-da 16th May 2011, 19:14
» by jill
Times 24849 2 mags 16th May 2011, 18:46
» by mags
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