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Independent 7668 9 minnie 16th May 2011, 08:27
» by minnie
Guardian25,322 4 mary 16th May 2011, 07:22
» by mary
DE 5d 2 sonic 16th May 2011, 07:18
» by sonic
sweets & chocolates 1 ejay 16th May 2011, 07:02
» by sonic
The Week 748 2 fred 16th May 2011, 05:55
» by fred
Daily Record Sat 15th - 126 A 2 denzel 16th May 2011, 00:15
» by denzel
DRecord £500 3 badger 15th May 2011, 23:39
» by finlay
Times Jumbo Cryptic 925 4 clive 15th May 2011, 23:03
» by clive
B & B 12 bigfoot 15th May 2011, 23:02
» by bigfoot
Queequeg No 9 3 jaybee 15th May 2011, 22:44
» by sammy
for sudokulover 7 theambler 15th May 2011, 21:42
» by theambler
Cryptic puzzled ? 4 suep 15th May 2011, 21:28
» by suep
Everyman 3372 last one 3 jaadelam 15th May 2011, 20:57
» by jaadelam
Independent, beelzebub 1108 3 brain 15th May 2011, 20:48
» by brain
Magazine Cryptic Crossword 2 pam 15th May 2011, 20:46
» by pam
Sat Times 24.849 5 roger 15th May 2011, 20:37
» by boltonian
SL cryptic 2 stumped 15th May 2011, 20:32
» by stumped
Sunday Herald Prize Crossword 8 jaybee 15th May 2011, 20:21
» by andyb
Communications 4 puzzled 15th May 2011, 20:18
» by puzzled
Local cryptic 3 colin 15th May 2011, 20:00
» by colin
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