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Daily Mail 30 megan 17th May 2011, 21:02
» by smb
MOS1230 4 jennifer 17th May 2011, 20:49
» by jennifer
seven days 6 janet 17th May 2011, 20:32
» by janet
Jolan's 5 (at 5) 16 jolan 17th May 2011, 19:59
» by pastille
times 925 13 suzy 17th May 2011, 19:55
» by gilly
daily puzzle 15 fred 17th May 2011, 19:50
» by the joker
Oldie Genius 270 down to last two!!! 5 scotland granny 17th May 2011, 19:00
» by ixion
anwsers = HELP 10 laura ruby 17th May 2011, 18:26
» by barrycat
Sunday Telegraph2588 1 shamus 17th May 2011, 17:55
» by chald
Daily Mail 5 megan 17th May 2011, 17:10
» by megan
Daily Mail 17a, 21d, 24a - 17th May 3 paul h 17th May 2011, 16:20
» by paul h
DM 13 pip 17th May 2011, 15:33
» by the joker
S.Tel.2588 7 dotty 17th May 2011, 15:23
» by jill
manufacturing related 6 abcx2 17th May 2011, 14:59
» by nytram
times 925 cryptic 11 janice 17th May 2011, 14:58
» by janice
manufacturing related 0 abcx2 17th May 2011, 14:57
» by abcx2
manufacturing related 0 abcx2 17th May 2011, 14:57
» by abcx2
manufacturing related 0 abcx2 17th May 2011, 14:55
» by abcx2
manufacturing related 0 abcx2 17th May 2011, 14:54
» by abcx2
manufacturing related 0 abcx2 17th May 2011, 14:53
» by abcx2
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