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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Running out of time 1 mags 20th May 2011, 12:55
» by the judge
Local paper cryptic 15 smb 20th May 2011, 12:30
» by ab
times cryptic 24854 6 sallyw 20th May 2011, 12:10
» by sallyw
Black or Blue 12 bigfoot 20th May 2011, 10:24
» by bigfoot
CLUELESS 8 61 ab 20th May 2011, 08:50
» by mary
Times 24853 6 terry 20th May 2011, 00:36
» by tgi paul
Times cryptic 24853 6 rene & james 20th May 2011, 00:01
» by tgi paul
Crusader -help anyone? 5 gina 19th May 2011, 23:38
» by chald
Sunday Times 4433 8 rachel 19th May 2011, 23:08
» by tonyw
well done Terry 0 n 19th May 2011, 23:02
» by n
where you from sallyw? 1 ted 19th May 2011, 22:11
» by sallyw
Shropshire Star 2 smb 19th May 2011, 20:25
» by smb
Daily Mail 4 megan 19th May 2011, 19:10
» by megan
DM. 5 graham 19th May 2011, 19:08
» by graham
People mag issue 20 8 qwerty55 19th May 2011, 15:57
» by coline
the pastile show again 8 ben 19th May 2011, 15:39
» by contretent
cryptics 8 ernie 19th May 2011, 14:40
» by ernie
Jumbo 925 cryptic 3 paul 19th May 2011, 13:04
» by chelle
times 2 5464 2 eileen 19th May 2011, 09:57
» by ixion
Witness cryptic, stuck! 8 mary 19th May 2011, 08:59
» by chrisg
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