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Saturday's Daily Record. 1 drumbeat 22nd May 2011, 00:36
» by drumbeat
Plymouth Herald 11 bill 21st May 2011, 23:52
» by the joker
irish news last one help please 1 bb 21st May 2011, 23:40
» by big dave
daily record saturday 4 andy from the 'well 21st May 2011, 23:29
» by andy from the 'well
Famous Men Quiz 5 pol 21st May 2011, 22:30
» by wendy
times 2. 926. 2 pete 21st May 2011, 21:43
» by pete
Daily Star 2 babs 21st May 2011, 21:04
» by babs
DR£500 4 megamargare 21st May 2011, 21:00
» by babs
24855- feeling thick 5 smiffy 21st May 2011, 20:31
» by smiffy
Times 24855- kickstart needed 6 smiffy 21st May 2011, 19:41
» by smiffy
times. 24855 9 john 21st May 2011, 19:34
» by john
dr saturday 5 babs 21st May 2011, 19:24
» by babs
dr £500 x word 7 beth 21st May 2011, 19:08
» by pastille
DR£500 4 megamargare 21st May 2011, 18:58
» by lorna
Times 926 Cryptic 6 helenb 21st May 2011, 18:26
» by sammy
Great Brain Quiz 204 13 simon 21st May 2011, 18:06
» by bj
DM Giant 4 dave 21st May 2011, 17:53
» by dave
Cryptic clue 3 irish news 21st May 2011, 17:41
» by irish news
926 cyptic 2 francis 21st May 2011, 17:10
» by francis
Times2clues jumbo926 6 chloe 21st May 2011, 17:06
» by j h
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