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i hate to think 11 sue 12th June 2011, 00:37
» by d
Time2 929 1 down 3 eagleman 12th June 2011, 00:32
» by eagleman
Times2Jumbo929 9 susiesu 12th June 2011, 00:29
» by ekrub
Special message for sue and "me" 5 sallyw 12th June 2011, 00:18
» by sallyw
me 4 me 11th June 2011, 23:02
» by sallyw
Irish news cryptic 2 paul c 11th June 2011, 22:57
» by paul c
i thought i was the only nutter in this forum 0 sue 11th June 2011, 22:39
» by sue
£500 x word dr 7 beth 11th June 2011, 22:23
» by drumbeat
DT 26,576 4 jocelyn 11th June 2011, 22:06
» by jocelyn
Sat Daily Record 3 millie 11th June 2011, 21:45
» by millie
For Jolan... 10 pastille 11th June 2011, 21:26
» by sue
929 ryptic 9 francis 11th June 2011, 21:15
» by francis
The Herald (Glasgow) GK crossword 11/6 2 andyb 11th June 2011, 20:51
» by andyb
tel. 26.576. 6 john 11th June 2011, 20:49
» by john
Daily Telegraph 2 paul 11th June 2011, 20:38
» by john
EP Cryptic - Last 1 2 kelly 11th June 2011, 20:17
» by kelly
Local Cryptic 4 colin 11th June 2011, 20:13
» by colin
EP Cryptic 3 kelly 11th June 2011, 19:53
» by teafairy
Times2 929 7 richard 11th June 2011, 19:43
» by tonyw
EP Cryptic 2 kelly 11th June 2011, 19:32
» by kelly
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