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Cryptic help! 3 nell 23rd June 2011, 17:59
» by nell
DM top left corner 23rd 6 stewart 23rd June 2011, 17:56
» by jane
Journal XW 2 mary 23rd June 2011, 16:22
» by mary
Times cryptic 930 12 barking dog 23rd June 2011, 15:54
» by barking dog
DM Thurs. Stuck at the last. 4 daisy 23rd June 2011, 15:43
» by daisy
dm thurs 13 pip 23rd June 2011, 15:24
» by jan
jumbo cryptic 930 last 2 clues 1 dottyvot 23rd June 2011, 14:38
» by theambler
DM no 14002 thurs 6 dave 23rd June 2011, 14:05
» by emf
last 2 clues 10 dottyvot 23rd June 2011, 14:04
» by dotty vot
DM THURS 6 smb 23rd June 2011, 13:44
» by emf
Times 24,880 2 ardler 23rd June 2011, 12:07
» by ardler
Times Cryptic 24883 4 brackendale 23rd June 2011, 11:20
» by brackendale
Times 24,883 3 neilm 23rd June 2011, 11:05
» by neilm 5 gareth 23rd June 2011, 10:41
» by gareth
Jumbo 2 Saturday 18th June 3 jilly 23rd June 2011, 10:19
» by jilly
Guardian Cryptic 7 rob 23rd June 2011, 10:14
» by bullfrog
Crossword No. 214 22a - Help Pls 2 brian 23rd June 2011, 07:25
» by gareth
little quiz question 19 tonyw 23rd June 2011, 05:04
» by sallyw
MoS Mag. C/w no:1235 2 rufina 23rd June 2011, 00:24
» by trevor
you there? 6 tracey 23rd June 2011, 00:05
» by pastille
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