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jumbo cryptic 931 2 mootoo 25th June 2011, 16:03
» by mootoo
Glasgow Herald 5 tam 25th June 2011, 16:00
» by tam
Times Jumbo 931 1 bobbity 25th June 2011, 15:59
» by neilm
Types of Accomodation 13 dairybox 25th June 2011, 15:53
» by dairybox
times2 jumbo 931 2 hunterbunter 25th June 2011, 15:40
» by pedant
times2 jumbo 931 2 pauline 25th June 2011, 15:26
» by pauline
times2 jumbo 931 7 hunterbunter 25th June 2011, 15:05
» by ab
times2 jumbo 931 5 hunterbunter 25th June 2011, 15:00
» by barrycat
Daily Record-Sat 3 may 25th June 2011, 14:55
» by may
DT 26588 5 david s 25th June 2011, 14:54
» by barrycat
Times2 - 927 4 gigi46 25th June 2011, 14:50
» by gigi46
Guardian 25358 32 xwordsolver 25th June 2011, 14:49
» by greedy kite
times cryptic 24885 Ground to a halt! 6 sallyw 25th June 2011, 14:46
» by sallyw
Times2 Jumbo 931 1 jaj 25th June 2011, 14:44
» by matron
DM sat 4 emf 25th June 2011, 14:25
» by emf
Times2 no 931 - today (25th June) 3 hilary 25th June 2011, 14:16
» by hilary
Local cryptic. 4 dinger 25th June 2011, 14:03
» by dinger
Irish Daily Mail-You Magazine Crossword 3 toastcake 25th June 2011, 13:52
» by toastcake
DT 26, 588 3 the auditor 25th June 2011, 13:27
» by the auditor
Daily Record 6 cathie 25th June 2011, 13:14
» by cathie
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