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FT 13,729 4 june 25th June 2011, 12:55
» by june
times 931 5 joseph 25th June 2011, 12:45
» by miranda1
irish news 7 holly 25th June 2011, 12:34
» by paulc
5 to get DR Saturday 7 clell 25th June 2011, 12:32
» by cathie
times cryptic jumbo 1 mrp 25th June 2011, 12:19
» by neilm
Herald Sat GK 2 neilly dunn 25th June 2011, 12:03
» by neilly dunn
Scotsman Weekend Crossword 0 swalastova 25th June 2011, 11:33
» by swalastova
Herald Sport 2 john 25th June 2011, 11:01
» by john
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 2 claire 25th June 2011, 11:01
» by colin (swansea jack)
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 0 colin (swansea jack) 25th June 2011, 10:56
» by colin (swansea jack)
D.M 24th 2 jack 25th June 2011, 10:36
» by jack
Witness cryptic. help please 3 maryt 25th June 2011, 10:03
» by maryt
TLS 883 3 paula 24th June 2011, 22:13
» by paula
DT GK crossword 11 christopher 24th June 2011, 21:53
» by roger
i Friday 4 roger 24th June 2011, 20:24
» by roger
Local paper cryptic 3 smb 24th June 2011, 19:56
» by smb
cryptic plant 3 bigfoot 24th June 2011, 17:41
» by bigfoot
DM Fri 5 marilyn 24th June 2011, 17:40
» by monkey
DM fri 2 monkey 24th June 2011, 17:36
» by monkey
types of accomodation 10 chubby 24th June 2011, 17:01
» by chubby
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