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RTE Guide No 26 6 kieros 26th June 2011, 06:37
» by kieros
Local Cryptic 2 frank 26th June 2011, 01:31
» by frank
Anothr Local Cryptic 4 frank 26th June 2011, 01:30
» by frank
vehicle type or method of transport 2 poodle 26th June 2011, 00:50
» by poodle
Dt 26558 8 tim 26th June 2011, 00:32
» by tonyw
Times24885 2 q 26th June 2011, 00:29
» by q
Times 24885 3 q 26th June 2011, 00:21
» by q
Herald GK. 25th. June 11 isobel 26th June 2011, 00:11
» by dunderheid
Accommodations 6 poodle 26th June 2011, 00:06
» by poodle
Times2 No.931 12 babs 25th June 2011, 23:50
» by larry
Crossword No. 215 17a - Help Pls 2 brian 25th June 2011, 22:56
» by brian
times 5499 5 lisa 25th June 2011, 22:48
» by anna
times24.885. 2 ron. 25th June 2011, 22:30
» by ron.
Sat Daily Record 3 millie 25th June 2011, 22:25
» by millie
D Tel 26,588 5 jimmy 25th June 2011, 21:47
» by tonyw
Times 24885 2 q 25th June 2011, 21:45
» by q
tel. 26588 8 pat 25th June 2011, 21:30
» by pat
DT 26,588 4 gazza 25th June 2011, 21:28
» by gazza
Times. 24.885. 4 ron. 25th June 2011, 21:07
» by ron.
Times2 931 27a (7 &5) 3 annied 25th June 2011, 20:47
» by matron
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