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SoS Crossword 1190 3 georgeg 26th June 2011, 12:08
» by georgeg
sunday mail 5 babs 26th June 2011, 12:07
» by babs
STimes 4439 4 julie, aberdeen 26th June 2011, 12:06
» by julie, aberdeen
Herald Sun prize 2 dunderheid 26th June 2011, 11:46
» by dunderheid
observer everyman 6 thomas 26th June 2011, 11:42
» by thomas
Observer 26th June 3 ali 26th June 2011, 11:40
» by marg
Seven days sunday mail 2 eilidhbeth 26th June 2011, 11:33
» by eilidhbeth
Seven days sunday mail 7 eilidhbeth 26th June 2011, 11:26
» by eilidhbeth
Times 2 crossword 931 8 sally snow 26th June 2011, 11:24
» by sally snow
weekend Australian 742 9 widger 26th June 2011, 11:23
» by boltonian
Skeleton 3 alan 26th June 2011, 11:22
» by bullfrog
sat times 24885 6 roger 26th June 2011, 11:18
» by trevor
DR crowwsord 3 anne 26th June 2011, 10:58
» by bullfrog
DT 26588 (13 Down) 3 almo 26th June 2011, 10:49
» by almo
Sunday Mail Seven Days £100 X Word 2 carolthescot 26th June 2011, 10:28
» by carolthescot
SE Skeleton 1 alan 26th June 2011, 09:59
» by sudokulover
Cringe! 9 amanda 26th June 2011, 09:49
» by bullfrog
times 2 no 931 3 eileen 26th June 2011, 09:22
» by eileen
Times Puzzle 5499 Sat 25 June 1 edge 26th June 2011, 08:16
» by tommyt
Ten letter word, starting with N 3 stevie 26th June 2011, 07:37
» by stevie
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