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Topic Replies Started by Last post
EP Cryptic - Stuck again 3 kellimod 10th July 2011, 19:40
» by gina
Everyman 3380 2 john doe 10th July 2011, 19:11
» by john doe
Civet 2 campbell clarke 10th July 2011, 19:05
» by ralph
AZED 2041 5 cathco 10th July 2011, 19:00
» by cathco
hypnos IOS 3 louis 2 10th July 2011, 18:55
» by louis 2
HERALD SAT 09.07.11 3 denzel 10th July 2011, 18:36
» by tommy
Sat Daily Record 4 millie 10th July 2011, 18:36
» by millie
ST 4441 3 angie q 10th July 2011, 18:08
» by angie q
last two GK telegraph 5 davec 10th July 2011, 17:26
» by davec
Times 2 sat 9th July 4 jilly potter 10th July 2011, 17:21
» by jilly potter
The Crusader 2 ralph 10th July 2011, 17:14
» by ralph
Azed 2041 4 abi 10th July 2011, 17:07
» by abi
ST 4441 2 paulrf 10th July 2011, 16:46
» by paulrf
last two GK telegraph 0 davec 10th July 2011, 16:45
» by davec
last two GK telegraph 0 davec 10th July 2011, 16:45
» by davec
EP Cryptic 4 kellimod 10th July 2011, 16:41
» by kellimod
cryptic 933 9 tornface 10th July 2011, 16:34
» by barrycat
times cryptic 933 3 caro 10th July 2011, 16:27
» by caro
DT 26,600 10 dumbo 10th July 2011, 16:27
» by magmac
Sir Lancelot 2 megan 10th July 2011, 16:10
» by megan
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