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WC Crossword 2 elephant 25th July 2011, 21:26
» by elephant
Times 24909 11 shb2 25th July 2011, 21:11
» by shb2
Daily Mail 5 megan 25th July 2011, 19:48
» by megan
Still stuck 3 smb 25th July 2011, 19:45
» by smb
Local paper cryptic 2 smb 25th July 2011, 19:14
» by smb
DM MON 3 knittingnanna 25th July 2011, 19:04
» by knittingnanna
daily mail 5786 7 davide 25th July 2011, 18:42
» by davide
Famous People 8 eliza 25th July 2011, 18:37
» by eliza
dm mon 3 knittingnanna 25th July 2011, 18:34
» by knittingnanna
The Times Crossword 39 sammy 25th July 2011, 18:20
» by sammy
Wee Stinker 13 john 25th July 2011, 17:58
» by teenieleek
DM Mon 5 mikebea 25th July 2011, 17:49
» by jazzgirl
Crusader help with 2 clues please 6 gina 25th July 2011, 16:38
» by gina
Daily Record £500 crossword 4 supergran 25th July 2011, 14:34
» by supergran
Mephisto 2656 5 greedy kite 25th July 2011, 14:27
» by greedy kite
Daily Mail Monday 14 crypticvirgin 25th July 2011, 12:14
» by andyc
Last One Mail on Sunday 7 Down 2 par4golfer 25th July 2011, 12:10
» by jazz
DM 1,000 2 aly 25th July 2011, 12:02
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
DM 1,000 0 aly 25th July 2011, 11:39
» by aly
daily mirror 25/7/2011 2 kittentoes 25th July 2011, 11:30
» by sammy
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