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belfast telegraph cryptic 23 down 4 jreg 24th July 2011, 17:58
» by jreg
sunday times.4443 2 charity 24th July 2011, 17:56
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Mephisto 2656 - 19 down 11 film fan 24th July 2011, 17:52
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Bare Bones 486 4 bellandme 24th July 2011, 17:33
» by paul
ST4443.Help! 3 liaj 24th July 2011, 17:25
» by liaj
Everyman 3382 3 patondor 24th July 2011, 17:01
» by boltonian
Fictional characters 4 bigfoot 24th July 2011, 16:43
» by paul
Irish Indo 3 amy 24th July 2011, 16:35
» by amy
prize crossword mail on sunday 2 francis 24th July 2011, 16:29
» by francis
sevendays xword ,sunday mail 8 beth 24th July 2011, 16:28
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
ST4443 3 vincelegrau 24th July 2011, 16:18
» by boltonian
Everyman 3,382 13 mags 24th July 2011, 16:12
» by celia
Everyman 4443 2 charity 24th July 2011, 16:08
» by charity
Rock, Mineral or Alloy 1 bigfoot 24th July 2011, 15:58
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
ST44443 2 jim mac 24th July 2011, 15:57
» by jim mac
Polymath 615 5 jeannie 24th July 2011, 15:56
» by jeannie
ST4443 7 brizzer 24th July 2011, 15:55
» by brizzer
Local paper cryptic 4 smb 24th July 2011, 15:54
» by smb
SUNDAY INDO QUIZWORD 6 2 peig 24th July 2011, 15:52
» by peig
i Friday 1 april 24th July 2011, 15:39
» by joanmm
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