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Daily Record (Tues) 5 jinty 28th July 2011, 20:48
» by jinty
british tree 4 kitiwren 28th July 2011, 19:33
» by terry as was
Daily Mail - I had it wrong! 2 crypticvirgin 28th July 2011, 18:46
» by monkey
times 2 of the 27th, 5 tracy 28th July 2011, 16:12
» by tracy
times 2 of today 2 tracy 28th July 2011, 15:46
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
D/Record, Tues. Stuck 2 jinty 28th July 2011, 14:52
» by jinty
Double Letters 8 puzzled 28th July 2011, 14:15
» by puzzled
Daily Mail Thursday 10 crypticvirgin 28th July 2011, 13:33
» by gareth
Times 2 28th July 2 jilly potter 28th July 2011, 13:00
» by jilly potter
Private eye crossword 6 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 28th July 2011, 11:53
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
DM THURS 1 smb 28th July 2011, 11:25
» by twm
Yours Magazine 3 joygeo 28th July 2011, 11:15
» by joygeo
films with names in title 14 susie 28th July 2011, 09:31
» by mrs trellis
song titles 8 quizmad 28th July 2011, 09:24
» by mrs trellis
DM WED 2 knittingnanna 28th July 2011, 09:22
» by knittingnanna
Radio Times Crossword 31 (30/7 to 5/8/11 6 robert551069 28th July 2011, 09:00
» by navigator
Convoluted construction 7 cunninglinguist 28th July 2011, 00:39
» by cunninglinguist
the times 24912 10 queenie 28th July 2011, 00:25
» by shb2
Crusader 27/7 3 orca 27th July 2011, 22:34
» by ian
sun/mail 17 across 2 lewjo 27th July 2011, 21:40
» by lewjo
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