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Times Cryptic 934 8 foxey 24th July 2011, 20:47
» by trevor
countrylife cryptic 4 miasusanne 24th July 2011, 20:47
» by miasusanne
For sallyw 4 chips 24th July 2011, 20:44
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
sunday mail - please help with my last clue! 3 scotsmaninengland 24th July 2011, 20:44
» by sargoe
Times.2.935 3 ron 24th July 2011, 20:29
» by ron
DR x-word Sat 16 gran 24th July 2011, 20:10
» by paul
times2 935 7 annie 24th July 2011, 19:57
» by tommy
ST 4443 7 dutchwoman 24th July 2011, 19:55
» by tommy
Spectator 2023 28 chips 24th July 2011, 19:51
» by mathsman
the sun 11 stu 24th July 2011, 19:50
» by bekib86
Times 2 935 8 campbell clarke 24th July 2011, 19:37
» by jazzgirl
Times 2 935 10 campbell clarke 24th July 2011, 19:27
» by jazzgirl
Sir Lancelot 5 megan 24th July 2011, 19:14
» by megan
Childs play 1 bigfoot 24th July 2011, 18:55
» by puzzled
Times. 2. 935. 3 ron 24th July 2011, 18:45
» by ron
Times. 4443. 7 ron 24th July 2011, 18:17
» by ron
jumbo 935 5 bane 24th July 2011, 18:12
» by boltonian
DT 26,612 4a & 10a 3 sorry, cj! 24th July 2011, 18:07
» by sorry, cj!
times 2 jumbo 935 4 true babs 24th July 2011, 18:06
» by bane
RTE Guide Crossword No 30 3 kieros 24th July 2011, 18:05
» by ab
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