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Extreme Animal 5 greygoose007 29th July 2011, 21:10
» by pastille
Anastasia 2 ratata007 29th July 2011, 21:06
» by greygoose007
cakes and biscuits 19 jude 29th July 2011, 20:00
» by jude
Crossword No. 220 3a 5 brian 29th July 2011, 19:54
» by brian
Times 2 No5528 6 mike h 29th July 2011, 18:35
» by iane
birds 3 jackie 29th July 2011, 16:52
» by jackie
artists surnames 4 marge 29th July 2011, 16:42
» by mrs grundy
Local cryptic 2 tonta 29th July 2011, 15:59
» by tonta
DM Fri 7 smb 29th July 2011, 14:49
» by crypticvirgin
times crypic 24914 2 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 29th July 2011, 13:55
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
films with names in title 3 susie 29th July 2011, 12:24
» by pastille
Times 24914 1 queenie 29th July 2011, 11:22
» by queenie
times cryptic 935 3 nytram 29th July 2011, 11:16
» by trevor
i cryptic 145 2 bellandme 29th July 2011, 10:31
» by bellandme
trees 1 kitiwren 29th July 2011, 10:15
» by jazzgirl
The Times Crossword 41 sammy 29th July 2011, 02:09
» by sammy
CLUELESS 18 77 terry as was 29th July 2011, 00:54
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Spectator 2024 42 trees 29th July 2011, 00:22
» by turast
Loca Paper (last one) 2 little daisy 28th July 2011, 23:08
» by little daisy
Times 24,913 9 neilm 28th July 2011, 23:00
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
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