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DM £1,000 1 aly 25th July 2011, 11:20
» by samak
3 left from Friday's i paper 6 bensnan 25th July 2011, 11:02
» by bensnan
The Week 758 2 dandelion 25th July 2011, 10:56
» by dandelion
Sunday Times 746-ignore last one:/ 7 rob23 25th July 2011, 09:53
» by rob23
Sunday Post Easy 6 blueberry 25th July 2011, 09:45
» by samak
Times 24910 7d. 3 dick i 25th July 2011, 09:40
» by bullfrog
DT 26,612 1a 2 sorry, cj! 25th July 2011, 08:37
» by sorry, cj!
RTE Guide Crossword No 30 1 kieros 25th July 2011, 08:13
» by samak
times 24909 2 nytram 25th July 2011, 01:24
» by the joker
Sat Independent Cryptic 7728 14 abi 24th July 2011, 23:45
» by trevor
Sunday Post Easy 5 blueberry 24th July 2011, 22:33
» by blueberry
Tel. 2598. 5 ron 24th July 2011, 22:21
» by ron
sunday post easy 4 lorna 24th July 2011, 22:18
» by blueberry
cryptic 935-something wrong? 8 smiffy 24th July 2011, 22:18
» by rosalind
Sunday post cryptic 4 blueberry 24th July 2011, 22:16
» by blueberry
Everyman 2d 2 icvotria 24th July 2011, 22:13
» by icvotria
Sunday Post cryptic 5 blueberry 24th July 2011, 22:02
» by trevor
sevendays crossword 6 lorna 24th July 2011, 20:54
» by lorna
Times.2. 935. 3 ron 24th July 2011, 20:54
» by sammy
sunday mail 2 sargoe 24th July 2011, 20:49
» by sargoe
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