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place names in UK 4 esmeralda 1st August 2011, 15:49
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
mephisto 2657 5 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 1st August 2011, 15:39
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
times jumbo 936 7 christinecarr 1st August 2011, 14:55
» by christinecarr
times club mothly 1ac. 4 tommy 1st August 2011, 14:32
» by silly boy
Sunday post cryptic 6 blueberry 1st August 2011, 14:29
» by blueberry
M.o.S.Prize Xword. I am stumped! HELP PLEASE! 2 dukey 1st August 2011, 14:19
» by tommy
The Week 759 7 dandelion 1st August 2011, 13:45
» by alane
times crypic 24916 3 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 1st August 2011, 13:41
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
mephisto2657 2 one down 1st August 2011, 13:02
» by one down
MOS 1241 - last clue 14 flynnsmum 1st August 2011, 12:59
» by trevor
Herculis...Telegraph 5 joe 90 1st August 2011, 12:52
» by joe 90
DR £500 1 joygeo 1st August 2011, 12:45
» by trevor
Sat Times 24,915 3 les40 1st August 2011, 12:00
» by les40
DM MON 3 smb 1st August 2011, 11:32
» by dilly
IOS 21(d) 7 louis 2 1st August 2011, 11:14
» by trevor
ST 747 2 rob23 1st August 2011, 11:09
» by rob23
Sunday Herald (Glasgow) GK crossword 31/7 2 andyb 1st August 2011, 10:46
» by andyb
herald 5 lol 1st August 2011, 10:42
» by lol
herald 3 lol 1st August 2011, 10:29
» by lol
Sunday time 2 31st July 2 jilly potter 1st August 2011, 10:22
» by jilly potter
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