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DM-not about crosswords! 3 gina 5th August 2011, 19:08
» by gina
Times24920 2 vincelegrau 5th August 2011, 18:32
» by vincelegrau
message for djawhutc 6 greedy kite 5th August 2011, 16:48
» by greedy kite
Guardian Genius 98 26 sudokulover 5th August 2011, 16:46
» by tig
link words 14 bigfoot 5th August 2011, 16:40
» by angie
message for Barrycat (not about crosswords) 2 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 5th August 2011, 15:09
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
DM Friday 19a 2 dudley 5th August 2011, 14:57
» by dudley
The Times Crossword 10 sammy 5th August 2011, 13:22
» by sammy
One more from the same Times puzzle 8 aux one 5th August 2011, 11:33
» by sammy
Daily Mail Friday 3 crypticvirgin 5th August 2011, 11:23
» by crypticvirgin
guardian 25393 3 thomas 5th August 2011, 11:09
» by thomas
guardian crypic 25393 2 thomas 5th August 2011, 09:09
» by thomas
The guardian cryptic crossword no 25,392 9 ulysses 5th August 2011, 05:56
» by trevor
DM WED 11 smb 5th August 2011, 00:40
» by les
guardian cryptic 25,392 0 ulysses 5th August 2011, 00:32
» by ulysses
Weekend FT 13,759 3 mags 4th August 2011, 20:26
» by mags
Country Life - Cryptic 4192 2 miasusanne 4th August 2011, 20:11
» by miasusanne
DM THURSDAY 1 hanover bob 4th August 2011, 16:06
» by suki
DM Thursday 3 hanover bob 4th August 2011, 15:53
» by suki
Lincs Ambucopter Cakes & Biscuits 8 julianne 4th August 2011, 15:53
» by suki
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