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Sinker 2 old tom 31st July 2011, 19:03
» by old tom
help with a clue Sunday Mail, please 3 gina 31st July 2011, 18:57
» by gina
cryptic 6 nina 31st July 2011, 18:46
» by nina
Guardian cryptic 25,388 3 terry. 31st July 2011, 18:08
» by terry.
Times 24915 5 magmac 31st July 2011, 18:03
» by chips
ST4444 11 jim mac 31st July 2011, 17:57
» by jim mac
Mephisto 3 nikki 31st July 2011, 17:51
» by nikki
Mail on Sunday Bare Bones crossword 1 mitch 31st July 2011, 17:44
» by mamya
Times 4444. 5 ron 31st July 2011, 17:22
» by ron
Scotland on Sunday - Quick Crossword 8 john 31st July 2011, 17:11
» by hils
Times 936 2 campbell clarke 31st July 2011, 17:08
» by campbell clarke
RTE Guide No 31 2 kate 31st July 2011, 17:02
» by kate
MEPHISTO-14 across 2 hallgreening 31st July 2011, 17:00
» by hallgreening
times 2 936 4 jodac 31st July 2011, 16:36
» by jodac
Times Jumbo 936 Cryptic 3 miss scarlet 31st July 2011, 16:35
» by miss scarlet
Independent Prize Cryptic 11 soul 31st July 2011, 16:29
» by amtaff
Times 936 0 susanna 31st July 2011, 16:22
» by susanna
DOT or DIT..... 3 qwerty55 31st July 2011, 16:22
» by qwerty55
times 936 4 susanna 31st July 2011, 16:20
» by clone
m.o.s. 22 down 1 lewjo 31st July 2011, 16:11
» by ab
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