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ST 4444 2 little daisy 31st July 2011, 16:08
» by little daisy
times 936 2 susanna 31st July 2011, 16:07
» by jazzgirl
ST 4444 11 julie, aberdeen 31st July 2011, 15:44
» by joe 90
Times 24915 2 marydom 31st July 2011, 15:32
» by marydom
SL cryptic 3 squire 31st July 2011, 15:32
» by squire
sevendays 5 eilidhbeth 31st July 2011, 15:23
» by eilidhbeth
ST 4444 6 joe 90 31st July 2011, 14:54
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
(Anax) Indepenent on Sun 2 louis 2 31st July 2011, 14:50
» by louis 2
sunday times cryptic 4444 8 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 31st July 2011, 14:22
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Times Jumbo 936 gen knowledge 2 morgana 31st July 2011, 14:22
» by morgana
everyman again 2 chris-t 31st July 2011, 14:12
» by chris-t
EP Cryptic - Last 1 2 kellimod 31st July 2011, 14:03
» by kellimod
Sir Lancelot 6 ralph 31st July 2011, 13:57
» by mamya
EP Cryptic 3 kellimod 31st July 2011, 13:53
» by kellimod
7 days xword 3 amapa 31st July 2011, 13:44
» by jazz
DT £500 prize crossword 2 elaine 31st July 2011, 13:44
» by elaine
Everyman 3,383 4 mags 31st July 2011, 13:43
» by setanta
Mephisto 8 rosie 31st July 2011, 13:43
» by film fan
EP Cryptic 2 kellimod 31st July 2011, 13:23
» by kellimod
Times cryptic 936 14a 5 jimbo99 31st July 2011, 12:18
» by jimbo99
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