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tool used with nuts 3,7 (-o- s-a-n-l) 5 amanda 4th August 2011, 15:10
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
FRESH PERSON TAKING CHARGE 3,5 (N-W, -R-O-)) 1 amanda 4th August 2011, 15:09
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
DR Tues x-word 3 gran 4th August 2011, 14:15
» by gran
Jolan's 5 (at 5) 8 jolan 4th August 2011, 12:38
» by therogue
The Times Crossword 19 sammy 4th August 2011, 12:38
» by sammy
A Time Cryptic clue 2 aux one 4th August 2011, 12:28
» by aux one
Some help with a cryptic present 34 birthdaypresent 4th August 2011, 12:18
» by tiresias
PRIVATE EYE XWORD 11 hallgreening 4th August 2011, 11:31
» by pastille
musical, opera, play or ballet 7 violin 4th August 2011, 10:13
» by jazzgirl
The Times Crossword 4 sammy 4th August 2011, 09:54
» by mrs grundy
ST4444 2 jon boy 4th August 2011, 08:33
» by sudokulover
I need help with this Cryptic Crossword 5 icauser44 4th August 2011, 01:15
» by the joker
DM Tues 2 smb 3rd August 2011, 23:13
» by sylvia
Azed 2044 8 one down 3rd August 2011, 21:56
» by silly boy
Need help with this Cryptic Crossword! 23 icauser44 3rd August 2011, 20:13
» by icauser44
Local cryptic. 22 trevormk 3rd August 2011, 18:15
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
times crypic 24918 5 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 3rd August 2011, 16:41
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
that's life 2 cathy 3rd August 2011, 15:33
» by cathy
that's life 2 cathy 3rd August 2011, 15:30
» by cathy
cakes and biscuits 15 jude 3rd August 2011, 14:43
» by jazzgirl
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