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Herald Wee Stinker 1/8 13 andyb 3rd August 2011, 13:28
» by harmar
times936 cryptic 3 teddy 3rd August 2011, 13:13
» by the joker
Tues DR 3 joygeo 3rd August 2011, 12:37
» by joygeo
Local easy 2 kellimod 3rd August 2011, 12:30
» by kellimod
Local easy 4 kellimod 3rd August 2011, 11:59
» by kellimod
Times 2 3rd august 2 jilly potter 3rd August 2011, 11:58
» by jilly potter
DM wed 8 emf 3rd August 2011, 11:54
» by the riddler
Times Club Monthly 20131 3 xwordfan 3rd August 2011, 11:04
» by sudokulover
Sat Times 24915 2 tyrone 3rd August 2011, 10:58
» by tyrone
Times24915 11 theambler 3rd August 2011, 10:49
» by jazzgirl
Tim Mooreys Money Week Crossword 547 4 mentor 3rd August 2011, 10:32
» by mentor
Tiumes Jumbo cryptic 935 4 gaperon 3rd August 2011, 08:52
» by gaperon
Times 24917 9 shb2 2nd August 2011, 23:44
» by shb2
herald 3 lol 2nd August 2011, 21:47
» by lol
TIMES MONTHLY-8down 2 hallgreening 2nd August 2011, 21:03
» by hallgreening
dr the big one 1 trotter 2nd August 2011, 21:00
» by the riddler
Saga August 4 purplebird 2nd August 2011, 19:33
» by purplebird
the big one daily record xword 5 beth 2nd August 2011, 18:07
» by barrycat
message for sallyw and barrycat 2 nytram 2nd August 2011, 17:09
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Sunday Times - Where Was I? 3 elephant 2nd August 2011, 16:39
» by kathy
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